Interview/Questionnaire 8
Interview/Questionnaire Name (Optional): Age: 21 1. What/who influences you to buy things? I typically buy things my friends or family...
Interview/Questionnaire Name (Optional): Age: 21 1. What/who influences you to buy things? I typically buy things my friends or family...
Interview/Questionnaire Name (Optional): Age: 22 1. What/who influences you to buy things? Interesting advertisements and my family and...
Interview/Questionnaire Name (Optional): Age: 49 1. What/who influences you to buy things? Sales, whether someone I know will be able to...
Interview/Questionnaire Name (Optional): Age: 26 1. What/who influences you to buy things? Sales, things my friends buy, good reviews,...
Interview/Questionnaire Name (Optional): Age: 52 1. What/who influences you to buy things? When I find new recipes, the whether,...
Interview/Questionnaire Name (Optional): Age: 52 1. What/who influences you to buy things? Commercials, magazines, and friends influence...
Name (Optional): Age: 21 What/who influences you to buy things? Society. Seeing all of the newest trends or what people have makes me...
Name (Optional): Age: 20 What/who influences you to buy things? Things that are on sale, on clearance, and if I have coupons. How do...